Saturday, December 25, 2010

Kitchen Play Time

Here is some kitchen Play time!

The Christmas Kitchen

This year, Grandma and Grandpa Dugal got Jacob a play kitchen for Christmas. here he is opening it!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Quick, Quick Version I believe we promised way back when when we started, we haven't been very good about keeping up with this blog. Of course we tell ourselves that we are going to start aiming for at least weekly updates, but who knows how long that will last. Anyway, before we get started on that, we figured some catch-up is in order. Here's the quick version of what we've been up to the last few months.

Eating pasta on our own

Destroying birthday cakes

A quick nap with Teddy (and yes, those are the pasta stains from the first picture)

Helping Mom plan our Costco trip
Working on my gamer skills
Helping with laundry
Napping in the exer-saucer while Dad gets in the shower
Hangin' with my buddy, Jack

Meeting my new cousin, Matthew
Hangin' with the Hanzeli men after Matthew came home

Discovering bubbles with Auntie Tricia

Generally being too rediculously cute!

Saturday, April 3, 2010


It has become painfully obvious how well Jacob can climb now. Stepping from mommies violin, to the tool table, to the boxes, all to look at the view. Whats that? you wana climb Rainier next????