Well, it's been a while since we've posted anything so we're playing catch up. Here's what's been going on the last few weeks...
Jacob likes hanging out with Dad on the couch. Incidentally, he's recently discovered that it's great fun to hold on to his toes.
Finally, Jacob gets some much needed sleep, cuddling with his giraffe, Spots. He's been so miserable in the heat and this was his first good nap in about 2 days. Mom didn't know what to do with 1 1/2 hours of free time.
Jacob loves
bath time, especially now that he has learned he can play tug-0-war with Mom using the
washcloth. He's also figured out how to splash Mom so she's as wet as he is by the time he's clean.
We joined a bunch of our friends at their house on Lake Joy for the 4th. Jacob's too young to enjoy the lake this year, but that didn't stop him from enjoying haning out on the dock with Mom and Dad.