Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Last Sunday, Jacob entered the Catholic Church with his baptism at St. Monica's. Just to make sure everyone knew that he was there and in charge of the day, about two minutes in to the baptism, at a perfect lull, a massive explosion emerged from his underworld blowing out of his diaper all over the inside of his new gown. Amazingly this didn't seem to bother him until about five minutes before the end. He was even willing to smile when he got the holy water poured over him (probably reminded him of bath time)...Thank God for white blankets


  1. Welcome, little Jacob! You are loved!! Nana

  2. congratulations jacob!! (and ian and robin too!) we wish we could have been there!
    love, mike, trish and jack

  3. Congratulations! It's an amazing feeling, isn't it? I like how the Godparents are putting in plugs for themselves, too. :)
